I have just returned from town doing my month end business and noticed quite a lot of pipeline trucks and employees in the area. I thought this was pretty unusual and began to wonder if something was up. Like maybe surveying to add another line to the existing two we already have.
I happened to mention this to an aquaintence and to my surprise they told me that they heard there was a leak in the line in this area and it was being kept very quiet.They said a lot of people were worried.
Now, my source is very reliable and they are actually worried about this.
Being the weekend and all I may not be able to get any info until Monday. If at all. But let me assure you If this information proves to be true the shit is going to hit the fan. Can you hear me squirrel cheeks?
Keep us up to date my friend..
Will do Grant G. I'll put as much time into this as I can.Finishing the house right now. Roof has to go on before the snow.
The The BCOGC Incident Map is an interactive web-based map showing where pipeline incidents have occurred from 1998 to present. The Commission is committed to full public transparency and this tool provides timely, factual information on all pipeline incidents.
The Commission ensures companies respond effectively and the interests of British Columbians are protected through a 24/7, 365 days-per-year incident response program. When a pipeline incident occurs,companies must immediately report it to the Commission and take action to safeguard public safety and the environment as part of required emergency response programs.
In addition to the immediate company response, the Commission (in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment) takes steps to ensure the environmental effects of any product release are contained, mitigated and appropriately remediated.
And then there's the Interactive Map Link itself which shows that in the area surrounding 100 Mile, nothing is happening, even while we sleep, fact is NOTHING untoward is happening in all of British Columbia.
The Map
Thanks for the link North Van's Grumps. It's going to be quite useful.
Still, given all the other incidents not reported right away and the governments only reporting after things come to light in the blogosphere, I will still be checking out what is going on here. And I will advise my findings.
One thing I hadn't mentioned was the smell that I couldn't identify while in town.
I haven't been able to get to town to follow up on this piece. Won't be able till Friday.
Maybe the local MLA was in town this identifying the odious smell.
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