
Liberal Spin on HST, Unspun

"All that can be said for certain is that the HST gives a cost break to some businesses with the break being a greater proportion of cost the lower labour is as a proportion of total costs, since labour is not subject to the tax or its credits; the elimination of the HST and return to the PST would give most service and previously PST exempt industries a 7% price advantage relative to the HST system."

David Schreck has a indepth article on the HST HERE

In reading this article there were some things I did not understand. But in general he has spelled out what I have realized for quite some time.

It is a long read but well worth the effort..


And So The Whitewash Of The BC Liberals In The BC Rail Giveaway Begins

     Almost 8 years of pretrial and closed trial wrangling took another turn yesterday as the Judge (justice Anne MacKenzie released, without any apparent effort, trial Documents to selected media. Media that I allege has been practicing Yellow Journalism for so long that the people have no real idea what is happening in BC.

     Almost immediately the Globe and CTV come out absolving Cristy Clark and the Liberals of any wrong doing.

     An anonymous commenter at Bill Tielemans Blog points us to a Globe article here. And after I read the article I had one huge question.

     "How can they come to that conclusion when the police in the very begining said that "no elected officials" were under investigation. That statement right there tells us that a conclusion that the Globe and CTV came to is absolutely unbelievable.

     How could anyone in their right mind come to a conclusion like that when there was according to the police NO Investigation.

     As I stated on Tielemans blog the can we expect that they will report to us fairly?

      If the people in this province want any information on this Farce of a trial I urge you to not believe what you read or hear in the MSM. But go to places like BC Mary's, *Kootcoots, Ross K, Lailas, Grant Gs Tielemans and a ton of other blogs that have reported on this.

*Kootcoots blog House of infamy appears to have been closed. I'll check it out.


It's Going to Be An Interesting Week

Beginning today, Valentines Day, at 10 AM the BC Legislature will sit for the first time in 256 days. Many people will question just what business the MLA's have conducted in that time for the people who voted for them. Myself included.

All I can come up with is things they didn't do for us. Things like allowing the BC Rail Trial to run it's course. Things like holding a session of the Legislature earlier to deal with the outrageous robbing of the already overtaxed population. Imposing a $200,000,000 per month burden on us and gifting business with that money. Then telling us that prices will fall, and not reducing the price of liquor right off the bat.

I have talked to some business people and in stating that they would not drop the prices told me that they wouldn't drop them because they hadn't raised them in a while.(read "we are taking the profits just like you thought we would")
Some try to justify this money grab by saying the money has to come from somewhere. Of course it does. But on the backs of the people giving business a free ride?

Then there is the new waterworks legislation that I allege they will try to slip through this week. This piece of Liberal policy  will surely cause an uprising in the province. It appears  to be legislation to not only meter your water but to allow businesses to expropriate land to help business obtain there bottom line. For example, if a rancher need water to water his stock or his fields, and was drawing from the same place as a IPP, theoretically the IPP could expropriate that part of the ranch land that it required to obtain the water required to generate its' power.

Then there is the legislation required to change the referendum act. Fat chance we have of seeing it this week given the Liberals penchant for stalling.

There will be a news release this week to the media, this blog, and at http://reallcariboochilcotin.wordpress.com on the situation here in the Cariboo. And everything is dependent on the political situation in this Province and the country


Fight HST Rally Proposed

Eddie Petrossian writes.

I wish to organize a protest and FIGHT HST rally in front of the Cheers
> restaurant as Falcon arrives! Please RSVP how many will attend this
> ralley-protest! We will meet at 5pm Friday Feb 11th in front of Cheers!


 Friday, February 11th, 5:30 - 7:00 pm

Place: Cheers Restaurant, 125 East 2nd St, North Vancouver

[Gary E] As Eddie writes, we have to keep these people accountable.
So let's make an effort to get out and show him your displeasure of the Liberal policies.


Recall Cariboo Chilcotin Starts A New Website

The recall in Cariboo Chilcotin now has its own website.


At present this is a work in progress and as I am better a surfing than geeking it may take a couple of days to finish.

If you have any ideas please leave a message on the new site.


Time For A Change

I had been recently thinking of changing the format of my blog. This morning I had a few seconds and decided to see what could be done.
I chose a simple blogger template for now and as I get time may go to a advanced template. But this one appears to be easier on the eyes.



Terrace Man Writes Open Letter To Falcon

George Chinn writes in the Terrace Daily Online

Dear Mr Falcon, MLA;

I’ve recently been away to Mining convention in Vancouver (Round Up) and upon my arrival back to Terrace I noticed in our local newspaper an article claiming ‘Falcon Proposes Northern Prosperity’. You have come here looking for support from our local population for your leadership campaign, hoping to take over from Gordon Campbell as the leader of our province, at least until the next election. The people of northern B.C. have already been waiting for ten years for action from you.

Everything we hoped for the people in the north have fought for without help from your Government. Premier Campbell would sneak into Terrace; only talk to selected people, then out the back door. As far as the HST is concerned, your statement claiming people have had time to get over their anger and it is not a big issue any more is wrong. Before the HST came into effect our children were tax exempt on clothing, workers were exempt on safety supplies and clothing; now everything is taxed. The carbon tax is another issue. Clean up the world yet we’re selling all this coal to off shore markets. All these ideas are plain out right dumb and appear to be another money grab.

Kevin, you were the previous Minister of Highways and I am hoping the people in the province remember you. We lost a lot of friends and suffered a lot of problems due to the negligence of our highway contactors, especially in the Terrace area. We, the ‘Sand for Souls Committee’ fought hard for improvements. We gathered over 3000 signatures three years ago and the following year we gathered over 7000 signatures with numerous written complaints. Again nothing was done.

We spent many days, time, and gas trying to work with you; asking for your support. I myself asked the government to shuffle the deck. The Excel drivers, a crew of 50 working 24/ 7 travelling our highways, had many complaints and no one listened. This was along with all kinds of problems expressed from other trucking companies and highway travellers. Since you left we have seen, even this year, improvements; thanks to Shirley Bond.

I believe the government will never admit the ‘Sand for Souls’ made a difference yet I must remind you about the highway tanker fuel spill on the highway to Kitimat, 37 South, which cost tax payers over a million dollars. This accident and clean up was clearly due to the poor highway maintenance, which we continually brought to your attention.

On behalf of the many deceased members of our Northwest communities, who died on our highways and on behalf of the Sand for Souls Committee; it's pay back time. And we still have some issues to deal with yet.

Our conclusion is clear and we want everyone to know, we don't think you would make a good interim leader or Premier of B.C.


George Chinn

A very informative letter that pretty much sums up a lot of situations in this province. Situations of neglect by the Liberal Government in BC


Clarks Flip Flop On The HST

 A recent article in The Williams Lake Tribune about Clarks flip flop on the HST prompted me to post the following online.

"All this flip flopping on the referendum is nothing but populist manoeuvering. The liberals were so arrogant in the first place they thought the could get away with ramming this tax shift down the throats of an already overtaxed population. The arrogance shifted into fifth gear when they didn't even bother to register as opponents to the Initiative Petition. Then they tried every trick in the book to have the results negated, including the courts. The people, still being angered about being robbed started the Recall Campaign. A democratic process that holds the government feet to the fire.
Now they want to tell us that they will abide by Campbells proposal. What I would like to know is are they going to use the 50%+1 result? Or are they going for the present impossible to reach goals?
My money is on the latter.
It is now 19 months since they began their stall tactics and the people are not going to wait any longer. Nothing has changed. We are stilled being robbed of $200,000,000 per month. And all we hear is they might do this or they could do that. In the Cariboo Chilcotin we have always said that nothing short of cancelling the HST or our MLA crossing the floor and voting against it, would prevent the recall. None of this has been done and we will now start the process on February 15, 2011."

I'm pretty sure that if we had any investigative reporters left in this province they could uncover my allegation that big business money is behind Cristys' change of mind.
The opportunity to have the free vote would arise on February 14, well in advance of any proposed referendum. Which I allege we have already had. And there is nothing in legislation stopping anyone from refiling a recall on any MLA's from havin another recall immediately.


Hansen dodging the questions on the HST

Hon. C. Hansen: We ran on a platform that was one of supporting families in British Columbia. We ran on that platform to support families, and that's exactly what we're delivering on. We ran on a platform that said we were going to support small businesses, and that's exactly what we we're delivering on. We also ran on a platform that said we would create jobs in British Columbia and that British Columbia would come out of this economic downturn stronger, and that's exactly what we are delivering on.

So  Mr. Hansen, where are the jobs?(22,000 lost). Where is the family support? (Highest child poverty rate in the country) 21 child deaths attributed to your failed platform. Where is the small business support? (in my town alone 6 businesses going or gone under)

What happened to your dictatorial implementation of the HST? I can answer that for you and so can every heavily taxed citizen in the province of BC. You failed and so did all the MLA's that voted the party line. And some of those MLA's are now up for the Democrat right of every citizen to recall them.