This BC Railway is now owned by CN and given the record of derailments on this line I thought it would be relevant to the situation to show a photo of the state of disrepair on this line.
Click on the photo to enlarge it
This sign is visible to anyone sitting on the port side of a passenger car coming from Prince George heading to Vancouver.
As I took the photo I thought to myself: "Where is the pride in this railway?" What did this government do to us when they Gave it away?
Off topic but further to our discourse on fuel surcharges in a post farther down, have you seen this?
Yes, Great Aunt Bertha, I was aware of the ferry commissions okaying the new surcharge although I saw it in the online papers and not news1130. Thanks for supplying the thread. It will have to be copied and pasted. Was there any doubt about them Jacking up the rates? Not for me.
Many thanks for taking the time and trouble to get that photo for your readers, Gary e.
It's a stark reminder.
Q. Have you clicked on the ad-button at centre-top of The Tyee home page, where it appears to offer BCRail journeys?
I spent about 20 min. on their site hoping to find out if any part of the old BCRail passenger service is still operating. Do you know?
I thought it still runs from North Vancouver to Whistler. But nothing was mentioned on The Tyee ad. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
Gary, you rapidly turning into a goto spot on the web for those interested in a reality based view of the machinations of the Campbell Cabal.
No problem on the photo Mary. I have another one coming that I hope you can use on your site.
I was unable to find the add on the passenger service but I do remember that ther was a request for Proposals (RFP) on the service. And I think that Canadian Mountain Holidays got the contract . Having said that, the train I was waiting for, just before taking this photo was a Via Rail unit. It only had a few cars on it .
Kootcoot: thanks for the compliment. But I hope its not coming too fast. This is a hell of a pile of work. I have noticed as in your blog at House of Infamy, Marys' Legislature Raids, and Ross K's Gazetteer that some mainstream Media columnists are using in a roundabout way many of the thing we are publishing as bloggers. And some are quoting direct from Bill Tielemans Blog.
I certainly hope this isn't too little too late.
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