
A Little Bit of Fairness goes a Long Way

Scrap the Fuel Tax, Provide Real Climate Action

From: http://home.bc.ndp.ca

Gas prices are skyrocketing and big oil companies are raking in record profits, but Gordon Campbell wants to hit consumers with another tax that will hardly make a difference in reducing greenhouse gases.

New Democrats believe that what we need to do is make big corporations pay for their pollution while providing tools to help ordinary people cut their fuel use, rather than hitting consumers with a tax at the pump while letting big polluters off the hook.

In the fight against climate change, Gordon Campbell has taken us in the wrong direction. His plan isn’t fair, it won’t work, and he’s not listening to British Columbians’ concerns.

New Democrats are committed to taking bold action on climate change. We’re building a comprehensive plan in consultation with British Columbians – a plan that enshrines the principles of fairness, openness, and effective environmental stewardship.

The New Democrat Framework for Real Climate Action includes seven action items to reduce emissions:
1. Tougher regulations for polluters
2. Fair and effective emission pricing
3. Real help to increase conservation and green energy production
4. Transportation solutions
5. Local planning, land use and resource management
6. Creating a sustainable society and economy
7. Leadership and accountability

We know we don't have a monopoly on good ideas. That's why Carole James and the New Democrat Official Opposition will consult with British Columbians about the approaches and ideas presented in this framework.

For more information on our framework, email realclimateaction@leg.bc.ca or check out our background document below.

Framework - long - low res.pdf

Now isn't this a little bit more fair to the consumer? All she needs to do now is have a law passed that says the industrial pollutors can't pass an inflated charge along to the consumers. Not too hard to do if you get a majority. Just look at how Campbell has screwed you and I with his majority.

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