
Campbell Issues Certificate And Could Care Less About Historical Site Legislation

 But first A little about historical sights

 I recently received an answer to a email from Chief ?Esdilagh where I had asked if there were any archeological sights at Fish Lake. His answer in part is

  "archaeology sites are located all around
the lake where one is 7000 years old.  you can go to the Canadian
Environmental Assessment Agency registry to get more details."
So I went to the sight and looked up the following,

British Columbia’s archaeological sites are protected under the Heritage Conservation Act (HCA). This Act is the latest in a number of pieces of legislation focused on the protection of archaeological sites.   Previous legislation includes Indian Graves Ordinance Act of 1865, Historic Objects Preservation Act (1925), the Archaeological and Historic Sites Protection Act (1960 and 1977), superceded by the HCA (1994 and 1996).

Funny things are happening on my computer.
And then I tried to copy part of the Certificate BS. In it they say that they are concerned about the use of Fish Lake for tailings. I couldn't copy it so here (hopefully) is the site.


Have a look at Page 19 0f EAO findings

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